Transit oriented development in India

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a planning approach that promotes mixed-use development around public transit stations, with the aim of reducing car dependency and promoting sustainable urban growth. While TOD has gained popularity in several countries around the world, its implementation in India has been limited.

In recent years, however, there has been growing interest in TOD in India, particularly in cities that are experiencing rapid urbanization and struggling with traffic congestion, air pollution, and other urban challenges. Some examples of TOD projects in India include:

  1. Mumbai Metro Line 3: The Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation (MMRC) is implementing a TOD project along the route of the city’s upcoming Metro Line 3. The project includes the development of residential, commercial, and retail spaces around the metro stations, with the aim of promoting sustainable development and reducing car dependency.
  2. Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC): The DMIC is a mega-infrastructure project that aims to create a high-capacity industrial corridor spanning across six states in India. The project includes the development of smart cities and urban nodes along the corridor, with a focus on promoting sustainable development and livability.
  3. Kochi Metro Rail Project: The Kochi Metro Rail Project in Kerala is implementing a TOD project along the route of the city’s metro line. The project includes the development of commercial and residential spaces around the metro stations, with the aim of reducing car dependency and promoting sustainable development.

Overall, while there are a few examples of TOD projects in India, the implementation of this planning approach is still limited. However, with growing awareness of the need for sustainable urban development, it is likely that we will see more TOD projects in India in the coming years.

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